Below are the first two quarterly themes for 2025.

The vanishing (or changing) American dream
This issue explores the evolving concept of the American dream, examining its impact on civil society, federalism, and localism, and how these frameworks shape individual opportunity and community well-being.

Saying no to federal education intervention
The upcoming issue examines the concerns of federal overreach in education, analyzing its implications for local control, state autonomy, and the fundamental role of communities in shaping educational policy.
Below are the quarterly themes for 2024. The themes for each issue exist to orient us towards thinking deeper about the enduring truth that federalism empowers the people to truly have a voice in their government instead of becoming spectators to more centralized dysfunction. We not only want to pushback against federal overreach but elevate policy solutions so local communities and states flourish.

Media and self-government
With a thoughtful look and analysis of the state of the media and what it means for self-government, American Habits highlights why and how the “Fourth Estate” is a critical watchdog over our government.

The meaning of federalism and democracy
Discover how our American democratic tradition is tied to our federalist system to appropriately disperse power and how our Constitution places restraints on government.

Elections are an essential component of representative government. Discover more about the healthy and unhealthy attributes of today’s elections.

Policy solutions for the newly elected
What are the ways our elected officials can give more power to local communities, American families, and individuals?