Preamble-On: Adlai Stevenson

“Preamble-On” is a recurring segment of quotes and thoughts from historic and contemporary American public figures on federalism, the free society, and American political life.
I have a statement that I should like to make. If I may, I shall read it to you.
My fellow citizens have made their choice and have selected General Eisenhower and the Republican Party as the instruments of their will for the next four years. The people have rendered their verdict and I gladly accept it.
General Eisenhower has been a great leader in war. He has been a vigorous and valiant opponent in the campaign. These qualities will now be dedicated to leading us all through the next four years.
It is traditionally American to fight hard before an election. It is equally traditional to close ranks as soon as the people have spoken.
From the depths of my heart, I thank all of my party and all of those independents and Republicans who supported Senator Sparkman and me.
That which unites us as American citizens, is far greater than that which divides us as political parties.
I urge you all to give to General Eisenhower the support he will need to carry out the great tasks that lie before him.
I pledge him mine.
We vote as many, but we pray as one. With a united people, with faith in democracy, with common concern for others less fortunate around the globe, we shall move forward with God’s guidance toward the time when his children shall grow in freedom and dignity in a world at peace.
I have sent the following telegram to General Eisenhower at the Commodore Hotel in New York: “
The people have made their choice and I congratulate you. That you may be the servant and guardian of peace and make the vale of trouble a door of hope, is my earnest prayer.
Best wishes,
Adlai E. Stevenson.”
Someone asked me, as I came in down on the street, how I felt. I was reminded of a story that a fellow townsman of ours used to tell Abraham Lincoln. They asked him how he felt once after an unsuccessful election. He said he said he felt like a little boy who had stubbed his toe in the dark. That he was too old to cry, but it hurt too much to laugh.
Context: Adlai Stevenson gave the first nationally televised presidential concession speech in Springfield, Illinois in 1952 after his failed bid for the presidency. Before this, most concessions from a major party presidential candidate were delivered to the victor by telegram.
Stevenson and his running mate John Sparkman, a long-serving U.S. Senator from Alabama, secured 89 Electoral College votes. Most of those votes came from the Deep South. Eisenhower won a little over 55 percent of the vote and won all but nine states.
The American Presidency Project has printed presidential concession remarks or speeches going back to 1896.
There is so much more unnecessary spending to look at – if our elected leaders would just take the initiative to do so. I will.
For example, programs that are best handled by the States; we don’t need to federalize everything. That’s not what our founders intended.
— former Republican presidential candidate Ryan Binkley.
Context: A minor Republican candidate in the 2024 race for the presidency, this quote comes from Ryan Brinkley’s 7-Year Economic Rescue Plan. With a background in Christian ministry and business, Binkley joined the race in April of 2023 but dropped out in February of 2024. During the campaign, Binkley made fiscal discipline, paying down the debt, and balancing the budget priorities in his long-shot presidential bid.